Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Minja's first quick punch to the stomach

I was wondering when this "morning sickness" people talked about would show up.  My mom described her early weeks with me as spent "bent over the commode," and Aunt Myra with her daughter, "I thought I was going to puke her up!"

Part of this I knew was temporary.  I'm 8 weeks along now, far from through my first trimester, with plenty of time left to experience harsh symptoms.  But part of me sees that my prenatal vitamin has oodles of Vitamin B6, a known nausea-reducer.  To be honest, besides mild nausea lasting only a couple minutes, I hadn't had any morning sickness to speak of so far.  Until today, that is.

The first problem is that I overslept yesterday.  Like, didn't get up until after noon kind of overslept.  So, this morning, at about 5AM, I woke up ready to face the day that hadn't technically arrived yet.  I enjoyed snuggling with my husband until he got up for work at 7, then made him a cup of coffee and myself a cup of hot chocolate.  I drank the cocoa and ate a banana and set to work editing.  Half an hour later, I started feeling gassy.  This is typical, but I wondered if, since my sinuses were bothering me, I should eat something else to make sure my stomach stayed happy.  Too late.  I made it to the kitchen, then tossed breakfast 1 and promptly set about eating breakfast 2, my typical half-bowl of granola cereal.  Besides a case of the shakes, I felt much better.  And that's it.  No more nausea (so far, the day is still young) and no more trouble.

The moral of the story: steer clear of sweets, especially before eating grains and fiber.  Minja rejects unhealthy breakfast beverages.

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