Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Almost out of first trimester!

I'd like to say, "and good riddance" but really, I feel like a college freshman going into sophomore year.  I've gotten through the first round, but there is still a long road ahead, and I have no idea what the rest of this ride is going to entail.  I've been through just enough to dissolve most of my pre-conceived notions about what pregnancy would be like, but not enough to build a better expectation.

1. This past Monday was my 11-week appointment.  All was well, and it was uneventful.  Somehow, I managed not to gain any weight, despite eating constantly (and yes, holding it down, too).  I shaved my legs in vain, and I am NOT complaining about it!  Apparently, the next appointment will be much like this one.

2. I have a baby bump.  David noticed it just yesterday, and he's been rather excited about it.  I am at an awkward stage where my clothes don't quite fit correctly, but I'm no where near my maternity clothes size.  I'm hoping to find and dig out my maxi dresses from last summer to wear, but haven't located them in the building yet.  Apparently, according to David's mom and little brother, I "look pregnant" even in how I stand and walk already.  I hope this isn't a sign of a weak back and is just my body adjusting to its new role as a human incubator.

3. Lauren and I have begun to exercise together.  Our "stage 1" is a brisk, 2-mile walk.  So far, we've had some lovely adventures on our walks.  The first one was when Lauren spotted a vaccine bottle on the side of the road.  We are near a veterinary clinic, so we assumed it was some kind of dog vaccine and determined to learn more about our find.  In fact, it was a conjugate to a meningitis vaccine, and had no business being outside of a landfill.  It must have fallen off of the garbage truck, because there is no reason for anyone traveling that road to have one of those.  The second discovery was made by Lauren as well, as I almost stepped on it.  It was a baby king snake.  He was sunning himself in the middle of the road.  I poked him with a stick to get him to bite it (odd hobby, I know) and Jeremy picked him up and took him home to help keep the compost pile clean.  We hope to see him again sometime, grown up and fat with pests.

4. So, sorry, no mood swings to report.  Really, so far I've gotten a little snippy, and occasionally I will voice some opinionated blurbs to David, but I haven't gone all "crazy preggo" just yet.  Maybe I should stage one?  I really just don't want to be hurtful in the words I say.  I'm okay with "feeling" hormonally emotional, as long as I maintain my composure and treat people with the same kindness that I would like to see from them.

5. Finally, I've decided that I would like to try to read more.  I have enjoyed different kinds of relaxing lately and hope to maybe lay out in the sun or on my bed and add more reading and writing (that are not work-related) to my platter.  And please pray for me--it is a decently full and occasionally overwhelming platter.

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