This is a picture from the ultrasound yesterday. Our little minja is most definitely a boy. The ultrasound tech told us we could buy blue and throw away the receipts, he'd put the odds at 100%.
So far our name-hunting journey has led us to Raiden as a first name, and a possible middle name of Christopher, though we're both thinking about it before finalizing that decision. David was definitely right, our choice of first name has brought the gamers out in force. (Raiden, since it's Japanese in origin, is the name of a couple of popular video game characters, most notably in Mortal Kombat.)
Today marks the beginning of week 20, the halfway mark. I've been one of the "lucky ones" who had little to no nausea, and even now only feel poorly if I A) do not take my prenatal vitamin, B) overdo it in the garden, like hoeing for 2 hours without stopping, or C) get sleep deprived. If I do overdo it in any of these areas, I feel nauseated for about 10 minutes, toss my lunch in the bathroom, then am immediately fine to go get a new lunch.
This picture was taken about two weeks ago. I don't look much bigger now than I did then, barely a discernible bump unless I wear really tight clothes. A new dad told us that the time until 20 weeks or so looks more like "that lady had too many hamburgers" and less like a baby.
Speaking of baby, I feel him frequently now, especially after meals and when I'm trying to go to sleep. He thumps around happily and I'm glad he's exercising, even if it means I lie in bed for a while until he settles down so I can sleep.
Right now, the biggest concern I have isn't for the baby's development (which has been perfect), my own mothering, or delivery. It's been location. Not knowing where we'll be living or where David will be working kinda stinks, especially because I want so badly to collect the baby furniture in one place. These past 20 weeks have flown by, and summers always go by super fast for me, so I know it will be no time at all before I'm holding my son and need a place to lay him down. If that means a pack and play in our bedroom, that's fine by me, but I want to prepare for that emotionally and physically. If that means its own nursery in a new house, I want to prepare for that.
Honestly, though, I know we are where we are supposed to be for right now. I'm doing everything in my power (that I can think of) to be prepared for when we take our next step. I'm learning so much about being a mom and getting fun ideas of things to do with our son for later.
Well, that's about it for now!
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