Tuesday, May 29, 2012

22 weeks and I found a cool update!

How Far Along: 22 weeks!
Size of baby: 1-ish lbs. <3
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained around 3-5 lbs so far. 
Maternity Clothes: Right now, I'm in a conventional everything but shirt, depending on the garment.
Gender: Boy
Movement: A few times per day, usually around mealtime and bedtime.
Sleep:  <3 sleep. I'd sleep 9-10 hours/day every day if I could. I usually can.
What I miss: Rolling over not requiring an act of Congress, sushi
Cravings: Breakfast, salty foods, protein-rich foods, and macaroni.
Symptoms: I eat a lot, I sleep a lot, my back gets achy, and POOF! Out stretches the tummy!
Best Moment this week: Going to visit my family for Memorial Day on the spur of the moment. I packed while they drove up to get me! 
Name: We are almost entirely set on Raiden Christopher. I love it so much!
In Other News: I had my first ever chiropractor appointment this week. Hopefully getting adjusted and following his advice will help me to have a better time when it comes to labor and delivery as well as an easier time with my body changing during pregnancy. 

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic care really helped me to be comfortable through pregnancy and labor.
