Today I begin the betting pool. Bailee was the first to put her name down for a girl. I'm rather hoping for a girl, but thinking we'll wind up with a boy. So far, we have Bailee, Hannah, and Ty on the "girl" side, and me, David, Jeremy, and JoAnn for the "boy" side.
So, why Minja? Why not something sentimental like, "my little angel"? I understand people calling their baby "my little angel." The baby is a gift from God and precious and sweet. But it is not an angel, it's a person. I know people who do call their babies "angels" are aware of that, it just bothers me to think in those terms. That, and it's cheesy.
Therefore, I submit to you the "minja." Minja is a reference to Ask A Ninja, and is defined as a "mini-ninja." This encompasses the humanity of the infant as well as its potential to be totally cool. It also lets you know that its parents are nerds. The other option, as submitted by my sister, is "little cracker," but that's a little too ghetto and would cramp my style, man. Word.
"minja" is adorable. Probably the most original moniker I've heard for one preborn.